History of a bug

IE11 et cache-control rules

Rédigé par gorki Aucun commentaire

Problem :

I had a problem, nearly simple : on an angular 11 application, font was not displayed on IE11 on customer site.

After a few tests :

  • I reproduce it on my demo site
  • I do not reproduce in dev mode

Solution :

Well, I search for a while, and here is a summary.

  1. IE11 has a problem if header "Cache-Control: nostore" is set for fonts... Not easy to find but there is some reference here
  2. On my dev, it's working, after a check, I'm not setting Cache-Control: nostore
  3. On my demo site, I have this header, but I have a Nginx as a reverse proxy. Ok, that's why
  4. On customer site, I do not have control on network elements. One must add it also

I made the assumption that if I set a Cache directive, intermediate server won't modify it.

It works on my demo site. I'll check next on my customer site.

To add cache control on springboot, thanks Baeldung !

                .setCacheControl(CacheControl.maxAge(1, TimeUnit.DAYS));



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